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    英文名稱(chēng):Small Diameter Lamp Adapter Kit

    貨  號:N3051050

    品  牌:PerkinElmer、珀金.埃爾默、美國PE




    N3051050 Small Diameter Lamp Adapter Kit AA

    N3110147 THGA Standard Graphite Tubes, g. 100 AA

    N3110149 Graphite Tubes Integrated Platform 100 AA

    N3130111 PM Spares Kit for Titan MPS 16 Position AA

    N3130112 PM Spares Kit for Titan MPS 8 Position AA

    N3131005 16 Pos Turntable 75 mL Complete, No DPC AA

    N3131006 Titan 16 Position Turntable Only, 75 mL AA

    N3131007 8 Pos Turntable 100 mL Complete, No DPC AA

    N3131008 Titan 8 Position Turntable Only, 100 mL AA

    N3131009 Titan External Exhaust Fan AA

    N3131010 16 Pos Turntable 75 mL Complete with DPC AA

    N3131011 8 Pos Turntable 100 mL Complete with DPC AA

    N3132000 Consumable Kit for Standard 75mL Vessels AA

    N3132001 Titan Rupture Cap Disks, 75mL Qty. 25 AA

    N3132002 Titan Pressure Seal, 75mL g.10 AA

    N3132003 DPC Glass-Ring for 75mL Digestion Vessel AA

    N3132004 DPC Glass Prism f/75mL Digestion Vessels AA

    N3132005 DPC Polarization Foil, Qty. 24 AA

    N3132006 DPC TFM Cap Insert for 75mL Dig Vessels AA

    N3132007 DPC Clamp Screw for Glass Prism, 75 mL AA

    N3132008 DPC Viton O-Ring for 75mL Dig Ves, Qty.1 AA

    N3132009 Titan 75mL Digestion Vessel without DPC AA

    N3132010 Titan 75mL Digestion Vessel with DPC AA

    N3132011 Titan 75mL Dig Vessel w/TFM Base Only AA

    N3132012 Titan TFM Cap for 75mL Digestion Vessel AA

    N3132013 Titan TFM DPC Cap for 75mL Digestion Ves AA

    N3132014 8 Pos. Lip Seal Forming Tool for 75 mL AA

    N3132015 Single Lip Seal Forming Tool for 75 mL AA

    N3132016 75 mL Digestion Vessel w/DPC Base Only AA

    N3132021 Rupture discs for 75 mL Vessels Qty. 16 AA

    N3132022 TFM Lid 75 mL Vessels Qty. 16 AA

    N3132025 DPC Polarization Foil 75mL/100mL Qty. 5 AA

    N3132028 Viton O-Ring for Closure Caps Std 75 mL AA

    N3132030 Titan Startup Kit, 75 mL AA

    N3132031 Titan Consumables Kit, 75 mL AA

    N3132032 Titan Large Consumables Kit, 75 mL AA

    N3132033 6 Month User Maintenance Kit, 75 mL AA

    N3132034 75 mL DPC Cap Repair Kit AA

    N3133003 DPC Glass-Ring High Press 100mL Vessels AA

    N3133006 DPC TFM Cap Insert High Press 100mL Ves. AA

    N3133007 DPC Clamp Screw for Glass Prism 100mL AA

    N3133008 DPC O-Ring for Digestion Vessel Caps AA

    N3133009 TFM Sample Vessel Insert High Pres 100mL AA

    N3133010 Ceramic Pressure Jacket for HP 100mL AA

    N3133011 PEEK Ring Nut for High Pressure, 100mL AA

    N3133012 High Pressure 100mL Digestion Ves no DPC AA

    N3133013 High Pressure 100mL Digestion Ves w/DPC AA

    N3133014 High Press 100mL Dig Ves w/DPC Base Only AA

    N3133015 TFM Cap for High Pressure 100mL no DPC AA

    N3133016 TFM Cap for High Pressure 100mL w/DPC AA

    N3133017 High Pressure 100 mL Opening Station AA

    N3133018 Eight Pos Lip Seal Forming Tool 100 mL AA

    N3133019 Single Lip Seal Forming Tool 100 mL AA

    N3133020 High Pressure Vessel 100 mL w/DPC Base AA

    N3133021 PEEK Ring Nut Removal Tool AA

    N3133022 Rupture Disc High Pressure 100 mL Qty.10 AA

    N3133023 Pressure Seal High Pressure 100 mL Qty.5 AA

    N3133024 2500 Run Kit High Pressure 100 mL New AA

    N3133025 PTFE Cover Plate AA

    N3134000 Lip Seal Ring Gas Containment Manifold AA

    N3134002 Clamping Screw PTFE for Pos 8/16 of GCM AA

    N3134004 End Cap Plug f/Gas Containment Manifold AA

    N3134005 Tube for Connection of Vessel to Gas Man AA

    N3134007 PTFE Connector for Pos 8&16 Gas Man AA

    N3134008 IR Calibration Tool AA

    N3134009 PTFE 2 mL Weighing Cup Std 75 mL, Qty.1 AA

    N3134010 PTFE 2 mL Weighing Cup Std 75 mL, Qty.16 AA

    N3134011 Vessel Cap Disassembly Tools for 75 mL AA

    N3134012 Vessel Cap Disassembly Tools for 100 mL AA

    N3134013 Turntable Base Ring AA

    N3134014 Gas Containment Manifold Vent Line AA

    N3134015 Exhaust Tube 1.5m AA

    N3134016 TI Magnetron AA



    公司主營(yíng):美國PE、戴安DIONEX離子色譜耗材,PE元素燈/PE石墨管/PE氘燈/PE鎢燈/PE 基體改進(jìn)劑/PE 樣品杯/PE GCMS燈絲/PE ICP火炬/PE 氧化鋁注入管/PE 霧化器大量現貨!美國Perkinelmer(珀金埃爾默)耗材常備現貨:元素燈、石墨管、樣瓶杯、取樣毛細管、進(jìn)樣針、霧化器、矩管、中心管、泵管、頂空瓶、隔墊、瓶蓋、色譜瓶、熱脫附管、干燥劑、鎢燈、氘燈、鋁制樣品盤(pán)等。




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