• 首頁(yè) >> 產(chǎn)品中心 >> 珀金埃爾默Perkinelmer >> 美國PE光譜耗材 >> 珀金埃爾默磨損金屬標準品N9308300美國PE



    產(chǎn)品特點(diǎn):珀金埃爾默磨損金屬標準品N9308300美國PE ,V-21磨損金屬標準品包括:Al、Ba、B、Cd、Ca、Cr、Cu、Fe、Pb、Mg、Mn、Mo、Ni、P、Si、Ag、Na、Sn、Ti、V、Zn,基質(zhì):烴油,貨號N9308300。美國PE原子發(fā)射光譜儀配件耗材ICP






    珀金埃爾默磨損金屬標準品N9308300美國PE ,V-21磨損金屬標準品包括:Al、Ba、B、Cd、Ca、Cr、Cu、Fe、Pb、Mg、Mn、Mo、Ni、P、Si、Ag、Na、Sn、Ti、V、Zn,基質(zhì):烴油,貨號N9308300。美國PE原子發(fā)射光譜儀配件耗材ICP






    英文名稱(chēng):V-21 Wear Metal Std. Conc.10 ug/g, 100 g 

    貨  號:N9308300

    品  牌:PerkinElmer、珀金.埃爾默、美國PE




    N9308355 V-21 + K Wear Metal Std. 10 ug/g, 100 g ICP

    N9308356 V-21+K Wear Metal Std.10 ug/g, 200 g ICP

    N9308357 V-21+K Wear Metal Std. 30 ug/g,100 g ICP

    N9308358 V-21+K Wear Metal Std. 30 ug/g, 200 g ICP

    N9308359 V-21+K Wear Metal Std. 50 ug/g, 100 g ICP

    N9308360 V-21+K Wear Metal Std. 50 ug/g, 200 g ICP

    N9308361 V-21+K Wear Metal Std. 100 ug/g, 100 g ICP

    N9308362 V-21+K Wear Metal Std. 100 ug/g, 200 g ICP

    N9308363 V-21+K Wear Metal Std. 300 ug/g, 100 g ICP

    N9308364 V-21+K Wear Metal Std. 300 ug/g, 200 g ICP

    N9308365 V-21+K Wear Metal Std. 500 ug/g, 100 g ICP

    N9308366 V-21+K Wear Metal Std. 500 ug/g, 200 g ICP

    N9308367 V-21+K Wear Metal Std. 900 ug/g, 100 g ICP

    N9308368 V-21+K Wear Metal Std. 900 ug/g, 200 g ICP

    N9308369 Metal Additive Standard 3, 100 g ICP

    N9308370 Metal Additive Standard 3, 200 g ICP

    N9308371 V-21+K Wear Metal Std. 30 ug/g, 400 g ICP

    N9308372 V-21+K Wear Metal Std. 50 ug/g, 400 g ICP

    N9308373 V-21+K Wear Metal Std. 100 ug/g, 400 g ICP

    N9308374 V-21+K Wear Metal Std. 500 ug/g, 400 g ICP

    N9308375 In-Service Lubricants FT-IR Control Std. ICP

    N9308376 OilExpress 4 System Liquid Detergent Add ICP

    N9308377 Pathlength Calibration Fluid, 50 mL ICP

    N9308378 V-Solv ICP Solvent, 5 Gallon ICP

    N9308379 Ethylene Glycol Blank Standard 80 mL ICP

    N9308380 OilExpress 4 System Liquid Detergent Add ICP

    N9308381 Storage Rack 50 mL, Qty. 5 ICP

    N9308382 Storage Rack 100 mL, Qty. 5 ICP

    N9308383 Versatube 50mL, Qty. 500 ICP

    N9308384 Setup Solution in Hydrocarbon Oil, 100 g ICP

    N9308385 SPB Adapter Female to Female ICP

    N9308386 SPB Adapter Male to Male ICP

    N9308387 Setup Solution in Hydrocarbon Oil, 400 g ICP

    N9308388 100 ug/g Ethylene Glycol Standard, 80 mL ICP

    N9308389 500 ug/g Ethylene Glycol Standard, 80 mL ICP

    N9308390 Polysulfide Oil Blank, 500 mL ICP

    N9308391 Sulfur at 500ug/g Polysulfide Oil 500mL ICP

    N9308392 Sulfur at 1000ug/g Polysulfide Oil 500mL ICP

    N9308393 Sulfur at 5000ug/g Polysulfide Oil 500mL ICP

    N9308394 Sulfur at 1 wt%, Polysulfide Oil 500 mL ICP

    N9308395 Sulfur at 5 wt%, Polysulfide Oil 500 mL ICP

    N9308396 1000 ug/g Ethylene Glycol Standard 80 mL ICP

    N9308397 2000 ug/g Ethylene Glycol Standard 80 mL ICP

    N9308398 600 ug/g Ethylene Glycol QC Std. 80 mL ICP

    N9308399 Ethylene Glycol Standards Set ICP

    N9308540 Viscosity PTP Test Standard, 50 mL ICP

    N9308541 Standard 5 Multi-Element Standard 100 mL ICP

    N9308542 Standard 6 Multi-Element Standard 100 mL ICP

    N9308543 Standard 25 Multi-Element Standard 100mL ICP

    N9308544 Multi-Element Standard MES110901A 125 mL ICP

    N9308545 Multi-Element Standard MES110901B 125 mL ICP

    N9308546 Multi-Element Standard MES110902A 125 mL ICP

    N9308547 Multi-Element Standard MES110902B 125 mL ICP

    N9308548 Multi-Element Standard MES110903A 125 mL ICP

    N9308549 Multi-Element Standard MES110903B 125 mL ICP

    N9308551 Metal Additives Standard, 200 g ICP

    N9308552 Metal Additives Standard 3, 400 g ICP

    N9308553 Base Number Standard 30, 50 g ICP

    N9308554 Base Number Standard 6, 50 g ICP

    N9308555 Base Number Standard 10, 50 g ICP

    N9308571 Nitric Acid Blank 5% HNO3 500 mL ICP

    N9308572 Hydrochloric Acid Blank 5% HCl 500 mL ICP

    N9308700 SPB 15-40 40 Position Rack -15mL ICP

    N9308701 SPB 15-108 54 Position Rack -15mL ICP

    N9308702 Foam Storage Rack 15mL, Qty. 5 ICP

    N9308703 DigiPROBE Probe Holder, 15mL ICP

    N9308704 Start Up Kit for SPB 15-40, 15 mL ICP

    N9308705 Screw Cap, Blue 15 mL Qty. 540 ICP

    N9308706 Start Up Kit for SPB 15-108, 15 mL ICP

    N9308707 DigiPROBE for 15 mL DigiTUBEs ICP

    N9308708 Screw Cap, Clear,15 mL DigiTUBE Qty. 540 ICP

    N9308711 DigiTUBEs 15mL RackLock w/Caps Qty. 1620 ICP

    N9308712 DigiTUBEs 15mL RackLock no Caps Qty.1620 ICP

    N9308713 DigiTUBEs 15mL RackLock w/Caps Qty. 540 ICP

    N9308714 Sulfur @ 0 ug/g (Blank), 500 mL ICP

    N9308715 Sulfur @ 5 ug/g, 500 mL ICP

    N9308716 Sulfur @ 10 ug/g, 500 mL ICP

    N9308717 Sulfur @ 15 ug/g, 500 mL ICP

    N9308718 Sulfur @ 20 ug/g, 500 mL ICP

    N9308719 Sulfur @ 25 ug/g, 500 mL ICP

    N9308720 Sulfur @ 50 ug/g, 500 mL ICP

    N9308721 Sulfur @ 100 ug/g, 500 mL ICP

    N9308722 Sulfur @ 500 ug/g, 500 mL ICP

    N9308723 Sulfur @ 1000 ug/g, 500 mL ICP

    N9308724 Sulfur @ 1500 ug/g, 500 mL ICP

    N9308725 Sample for Particle Count Analysis 125mL ICP

    N9308726 Standard Multi-Element Biodiesel, 100 g ICP

    N9308727 Sulfur B100 10ug/g, 100 mL ICP

    N9308728 Distillation Std. ASTM D86, 500 mL ICP

    N9308729 Aluminum at 5000#g/g, 50 g ICP

    N9308730 Soot Content Standard Set ICP

    N9308740 Nitrite Standard NO2 1000#g/mL, 500 mL ICP

    N9308741 Custom Fuel Dilution Standard: 6%, 100mL ICP



    公司主營(yíng):美國PE、戴安DIONEX離子色譜耗材,PE元素燈/PE石墨管/PE氘燈/PE鎢燈/PE 基體改進(jìn)劑/PE 樣品杯/PE GCMS燈絲/PE ICP火炬/PE 氧化鋁注入管/PE 霧化器大量現貨!美國Perkinelmer(珀金埃爾默)耗材常備現貨:元素燈、石墨管、樣瓶杯、取樣毛細管、進(jìn)樣針、霧化器、矩管、中心管、泵管、頂空瓶、隔墊、瓶蓋、色譜瓶、熱脫附管、干燥劑、鎢燈、氘燈、鋁制樣品盤(pán)等。




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